北大光华学术讲座 | 应用经济学系讲座(2022-11-11)

2022-11-09 17:05 浏览量: 3269

Topic:Waves of Empowerment: Black Radio and the Civil Rights Movement

Speaker:Tianyi Wang, University of Toronto

Time:Friday, November 11, 8:30-10:00 a.m. Beijing Time

Location:Room 217, Guanghua Building 2 / Zoom Meeting


In the early 1960s, as the civil rights movement was gaining momentum, Black-oriented radio stations were broadcasting across large swaths of the South. This paper uses newly digitized data to provide the first empirical evidence on the effects of Black-oriented radio on the civil rights movement. I find that Black-oriented radio increased Black political participation and activism in the South during the early 1960s, as measured by Black voter registration and the presence of a local chapter of the NAACP. For mechanisms, I find evidence consistent with Black radio increasing the reach of civil rights groups and providing positive role models to African Americans. Moreover, results suggest that exposure to Black radio translated into substantive economic and political gains for the Black community in the form of greater state aid and legislative support for civil rights bills. Much of the effects took place before the enactment of landmark civil rights legislation, highlighting the significance of Black radio to the African American community. Lastly, I consider Black radio's effects on race relations.



I am an Assistant Professor in Economics at the University of Toronto and an IZA Research Affiliate. I am an applied microeconomist working primarily at the intersection of political economy and economic history. My current research focuses on gauging the political impacts of the media and information technologies. I also have a research agenda studying how technologies affect health and labor market outcomes.


(本文转载自北京大学光华管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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