学术交流周系列报告(八)| Shankar Sankaran教授讲座
【报告题目】 Why data science programs need new ways of governance?
【报告人】 Shankar Sankaran教授
【邀请人】 朱方伟教授
【报告时间】2021年7月15日 17:00-18:00
【会议地点】 线上腾讯会议号579 691 904
The presentation will cover fundamental issues concerning ownership and Big data and data analytics are being used increasingly by project and program-based organizations to deliver value to their customers. However, many organization sare not well-equipped to manage programs and projects that use these technologies to drive strategic decision making. Also, not established are adequate governance structures to manage data science initiatives.
We will present aspects of organizational project management to project managers to help implement their organization’s strategies through data science initiative programs. Due to the emergent nature of data science initiatives, novel approaches are required to manage them effectively and ensure they create value for the organization.
Shankar (PhD) is a Professor of Organizational Project Management at the UTS School of the Built Environment and teaches about project leadership and project
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