20周年院庆系列活动丨北京大学海外学者讲学计划 张杨:国家的退却?帝制中国晚期官僚制(欠)发展的政治逻辑
主讲人:张杨美利坚大学国际服务学院助理教授/芝加哥大学 社会学博士
Assistant Professor, School of International Service, American University
Ph.D., Sociology, University of Chicago, 2016
腾讯会议号:517 735 848 (讲座语言:中文)
Professor Yang Zhang’s research covers the areas in comparative historical sociology, political sociology, contentious politics, political networks, sociology of knowledge, and philosophy of the social sciences. His book project examines the emergence and development of large-scale religious and ethnic rebellions in the Qing Empire of China during the mid-19th century. In another project, Prof. Zhang studies the evolving network of political elites and its effects on policy making in China's reform era. He also examines environmental governance, organizations, and movements in contemporary China. In addition, he has been studying topics related to social science philosophy, such as causality, contingency, temporality, counterfactual, and falsificationism. Prof. Zhang has published articles in American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Historical Sociology, Mobilization, Voluntas, and Research in Social Movements, Conflicts, and Change. He has won the Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Dissertation Award in 2017 from American Sociological Association’s Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements. At SIS, Prof. Zhang teaches courses on Bottom-Up Politics, Contentious Politics, Empire and Imperialism, Global and Comparative Governance, and Research Design Seminar.
编辑 | 赵双全
责任编辑 | 佘秋雨
审核 | 杨薏璇 杨婷
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