翻译及整理:白尧 |编辑:王贤青
About the soul of university
Fu Jun
November 15, 2022
Good morning, everyone, your excellencies, friends, and colleagues,
I am happy to be here to say something in line with the substance and spirit of today’s event -- a kick-off event for a new semester, at times when the world continues to undergo tremendous changes and uncertainties.
I thought about a range of topics – such as about the world, about China, about China’s connections with the rest of the world, and about important and indeed threatening issues like climate change, as well as about the nature and quality of the educational programs we run here. These are all important topics. But realistically they are all too big and complicated for me to cover the ground well within five minutes -- the amount of time that I am allowed to speak. So let us save them for later events.
As I was reading today’s program, I saw an important word printed on it. That is “faculty”. And I am supposed to speak on behalf of our faculty. The Chinese translation of “faculty” -- also printed on the program -- is教师, which personally I do not think is deep, sharp, and transcendental enough to truly capture the meaning of it. So let me take this opportunity to share with you my take, understanding, and interpretation of what “faculty” is in a university setting.
A great university is often said to have a soul that will last forever. Consistent with that, to be a faculty member there is not just a profession but a calling. In this context, for us to really appreciate the meaning of faculty, it is almost a pre-condition for us to talk about the human soul -- something that supposedly resides between the physical, or the tangible, and the non-physical, or non-tangible, the intellectual, and, indeed, the spiritual realms. Such being the case of faculty, whatever the faculty produces -- such as an education program -- must contain elements or attributes that will last forever, or at least stay much, much, much longer than the transient nature of the physical aspects of our individual lives.
Now whether or not our educational programs, or the quality of our faculty, are up to that standard will be up to you, our students, to judge while you are here, and way beyond, which means, history will also judge us.
Now having touched a bit on one side of the equation, that is, the supply-side of our educational programs, that is the faculty the way I understand it, let me move on to the other side of the equation, that is the demand side, which is about you, our students. Indeed, some of you have asked me how best to survive and thrive here. My advice is, in anticipation of the rigor and toughness that lie ahead, please be well-prepared not only physically but also intellectually, and indeed spiritually. This is especially true in light of the press of time that you will face, as you all will have an extraordinarily tight schedule within which to study and learn so many things.
Speaking of the press of time in the face of tall tasks to accomplish, let me quote Chairman Mao Zedong, founder of the People’s Republic of China, who said poetically -- 多少事,从来急。天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。(So many things cry out to be done and always urgently. The world turns on and time presses. Ten thousand years are too long. Seize the day, seize the hour).
You know, about 50 years ago, when US President Richard Nickson visited China to normalize relations between the two countries, he also quoted this poem, which later turned out to have profound ramifications for China and for the rest of the world. Think about it.
On that note, let me end here by wishing you all the very best during your journey of learning here, and indeed way beyond, that is, in whatever you do in the future with the dedication of your souls to make a positive difference to the world.
Thank you very much.
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