最新研究 | 张理政、叶裕民、王洁晶:城中村村民更新意愿影响因素及其地理差异:以广州为例
英文标题:Influential Factors and Geographical Differences inthe Redevelopment Willingness of Urban Villagers: A Case Study of Guangzhou,China
内容简介:城中村更新治理受到学术界的广泛关注,但现有文献忽略了城中村异质性对村民更新意愿的影响。本文探讨城中村地理区位差异与村民更新意愿影响因素之间的联系。基于前景理论,本文利用来自广州市45条城中村的1083份村民问卷,采用定序logistic回归模型,探讨了既定影响因素在距离市中心15 km以内的中心村、15-40km的边缘村以及40km以外的郊区村中的差异。研究发现,城中村地理区位导致宅基地确权、房屋层数、村民信任等关键影响因素发生显著分化,这表明地理区位差异是城中村更新需要考虑的重要变量。本文为村民更新意愿以及城中村异质性影响研究提供了一个理论框架,同时为制定城中村更新的差异化政策提供了实证依据。
英文摘要:As a crucial part of China’s development strategy, the redevelopment of urban villages and the redevelopment willingness of villagers have attracted considerable scholarly interest. However, the literature to date has neglected the effect of the geographical location of urban villages on the redevelopment willingness of villagers. The purpose of this study is to examine the influential factors of the redevelopment willingness of urban villagers, especially with regard to geographical differences and their effects. Based on prospect theory and 1083 questionnaires administered in 45 selected urban villages in Guangzhou, we use the ordinal logistic regression model to explore the influential factors behind villagers’ redevelopment willingness in inner villages (40 km from the city center). The results show that in inner villages the confirmation of residential land rights can significantly increase redevelopment willingness, but in urban fringe villages the number of stories in dwelling houses significantly decreases the willingness. Further, a high level of villagers’ trust in the government, market enterprises, and the village collective each has a significant positive impact on the redevelopment willingness of villagers in urban fringe villages. However, only trust in the government and market enterprises have significant positive impacts on redevelopment willingness in the inner villages and only trust in the village collective is significant in this regard in suburban villages. The effects of geographical differences imply that China’s redevelopment policy should be applied in a differentiated way based on the geographical locations of urban villages.
人 大 公 管
(本文转载自中国人民大学公共管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
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