- 张老师
- 18611629920
- 2021-09-14 10:00 至 2023-04-01 10:00
- 在线学习
Why Do Students Choose University of the Potomac?
University of the Potomac is an accredited higher education institution offering on-campus and online learning experiences. Our high-quality, affordable associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree programs, and professional certificates make education accessible to anyone who wants to elevate their learning and their life.
Our curriculum is ever-evolving so we remain current and provide the skills and knowledge graduates need to succeed.
Our flexible learning options allow you to integrate your studies into your life and transferring credits from other institutions is a seamless process.
With counseling and guidance, we strive to help you in your career – either by getting it started or helping you find a new path to success. Both on your first day of class and your first day after graduation, Career Resources will help you navigate your career path and make good choices.
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- 11/03 上海线下活动 | 港中大MBA课程2025级招生宣讲暨校友分享会
- 11/03 上海站 | 港中大MBA宣讲会暨校友分享会
- 11/03 学长学姐校区见面会 | 香港大学在职MBA(大湾区模式) 十一月线下咨询会报名
- 11/03 下週日見!2025年入學交大安泰MBA第一場港澳台申請者沙龍重磅來襲!
- 11/06 讲座报名 | 房地产市场的破局与重构
- 11/12 统考倒计时45天 | 清华科技创新MBA学姐备考分享&答疑等你来!
- 11/13 线上活动|备考经验高密度输出,招生动态前瞻解析,11月13日交大安泰MBA考情解析+笔试技巧分享会开启报名!
- 11/14 公开课抢位|人工智能、数据和人才@北京
- 11/14 申请冲刺 | 港中大(深圳)MBM2025级第四批次招生启动!
- 11/14 活动日程 | 11月14日港中大(深圳)MBM2025级招生说明会