iCANX 特别节目丨2021年吴望一生物力学杰出贡献奖颁奖仪式及讲座

2021-11-18 09:58 浏览量: 3676

iCANX Talks Special Issue


2021 Wu Wang-Yi Distinguished Achievement Lecture on Biomechanics

2021年11月19日上午8:30(北京时间),大家期待已久的 iCANX Talks迎来一次特别活动:第三届“吴望一生物力学杰出贡献奖”的颁奖典礼和讲座。本次的获奖人是美国科学家Larry V. McIntire教授,他为大家做题为《Mechanobiology : from Cells to Molecules in Vascular Biology》(力学生物学:从细胞到分子的血管生物学)的学术报告。届时,吴望一教授的女儿吴江老师与曾经在北大生物力学吴望一教授课题组学习和工作过的杰出校友,以及北大生物医学工程系的师生们将共聚一堂,以学术纪念吴望一先生,敬请期待!

“2021 Wu Wang-Yi Distinguished Achievement Lecture on Biomechanics ” will be ceremoniously held on iCANX Talks at 8:30AM on November 19 2021 (Beijing time). This year, the recipient is Professor Larry V. McIntire, a scientist from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, he will deliver a talk in title“ Mechanobiology : from Cells to Molecules in Vascular Biology” . Meanwhile, Professor Wangyi Wu's daughter Jiang Wu with Distinguished alumni from Professor Wangyi Wu's research group and colleagues of Biomedical Engineering of Peking University will gather online. Stay tuned!



The Biomechanics Research Group of Peking University was founded in the early 1980s. Under the leadership of the late Prof. Wu, Wangyi, Prof. Wen, Gongbi and Prof. Yan, Zongyi, Peking University was one of the first institutions to carry out biomechanics research and talent training in China. This biomechanics research group has not only achieved outstanding results in research, but also cultivated a large number of high-quality undergraduates, postgraduates and postdocs. Many of them have become renowned scholars and leaders in the field of biomechanics and biomedical engineering in China and around the world. In 2011, The College of Engineering at Peking University established the "Wu Wang-Yi Award for Distinguished Achievements on Biomechanics" in recognition of his contributions to biomechanics. This award is funded by the " Wu Wang-Yi Distinguished Achievement Lecture on Biomechanics Foundation ", which was established by the students of College of Engineering of Peking University, former PKU Biomechanics research group and Professor Wu, Wangyi's family.

这个奖项目前已颁发给了两位世界著名生物医学工程科学家,第一位是美国University of California, San Diego大学的钱煦 (Shu Chien) 教授 (2011年), 另一位是美国City College of New York的Sheldon Weinbaum教授 (2015年)。今年,这个奖项将颁给美国Georgia Institute of Technology大学的Larry McIntire教授。这三位获奖教授除了都是生物医学领域的世界顶级学者以外,还有一个共同点就是他们都为北大和中国的生物医学工程发展做出了重大贡献。

The prize has now been awarded to two world-renowned Biomedical Engineering scientists, The first is Prof. Shu Chien of University of California, San Diego (2011), and the second is Prof. Sheldon Weinbaum of City College of New York (2015). This year, the prize will go to Professor Larry V. McIntire of the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States. The three professors are recognized for their significant contributions to the development of Biomedical Engineering at Peking University and in China.

每次在颁发“吴望一生物力学杰出贡献奖”的同时,还会举办“北京大学生物力学及计算医学高级研讨会”。今年由于COVID-19疫情还未结束,我们将以网上系列讲座的形式分享和讨论这些领域里的最新研究成果。获奖人Larry McIntire教授的报告是今年研讨会的第一讲。

At the same time of awarding "Wu Wang-Yi Distinguished Achievement Lecture on Biomechanics”, "Peking University Advanced Seminar on Biomechanics and Computational Medicine" will also be held. This year, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we will share and discuss the latest research in these areas via online lecture series. The first speaker will be Professor Larry McIntire, recipient of this year's Wu Wang-Yi Award for Distinguished Achievements on Biomechanics.


吴望一,我国知名流体力学、生物力学专家,中国生物力学领域的创始人之一。1933年6月8日出生于浙江省宁波市。1953年北京大学数学系毕业后留校任教。1985任北京大学力学系教授、博导。于1982, 1990年先后在美国哥伦比亚大学和纽约市立大学作访问学者。历任北大力学系流体力学教研室和生物力学研究室主任、生物力学专业委员会副主任、力学学会理事、力学学会教育工作委员会副主任、应用数学和力学常务编委、大百科全书力学卷流体力学分支副主编等职。吴教授长期从事生物力学和计算流体力学的研究,是我国在生物力学领域的创始人之一。发表论文近百篇。他编著的《流体力学》(上、下册),1988年获国家教委首届高校优秀教材二等奖,并被台湾大学选为教材,由台北欧亚书局以中文繁体字出版。在国内1982出版后,被众多高校选为教材或参考书,至今已印刷十次。他培养过了研究生、博士后40多名。为了表彰他对我国生物力学的贡献,北京大学工学院于2011年设立了“吴望一生物力学杰出贡献奖”。


Peking University Advanced Seminar on Biomechanics and Computational Medicine

Mechanobiology : from Cells to Molecules in Vascular Biology


Larry V. McIntire

Wallace H Coulter Chair Emeritus, Georgia Institute of Technology


Understanding the detailed coupling of local mechanics and cell biology in the cardiovascular system remains an exciting challenge. This interplay is important in various pathologies including atherosclerosis, arterial thrombosis, and infectious diseases. This seminar will discuss examples of flow effects on endothelial cell metabolism and gene expression profiles and of flow regulation of the molecular mechanisms of platelet/endothelial cell interactions via the platelet GP1b complex and EC von Willebrand factor. We conclude with a discussion of actin depolymerization under force at the molecular level and its mediation by catch-slip bonds.

了解心血管系统中局部力学和细胞生物学的详细耦合仍然是一个令人兴奋的挑战。这种相互作用在各种病理中都很重要,包括动脉粥样硬化、动脉血栓形成和感染性疾病。本次报告将讨论流动对内皮细胞代谢和基因表达谱的影响,以及通过血小板GP1b复合物和EC von Willebrand因子来调节血小板/内皮细胞相互作用的分子机制。最后,我们讨论了肌动蛋白在分子水平上的解聚作用及其通过俘获滑移键的中介作用。


Dr. Larry V. McIntire joined the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Emory University School of Medicine in 2003 as the Wallace H. Coulter Professor and Chair of the Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University.During his tenure, he jointly promoted the PKU/GT/Emory Joint PhD Program with the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Peking University. This is the first joint doctor program approved in China by the Academic Degree Office of the State Council.This mode of cultivating joint doctoral students has become an important symbol of graduate student education of the College of Future Technology of Peking Universty. Moreover, it also sets up a model for joint graduate student education between China and the United States. It generates significant influence in Chinese and American universities.

Dr.McIntire received degrees from Cornell University in 1966 and his PhD from PrincetonUniversity in 1970 -- all in chemical engineering. He joined Rice University in January 1970as an Assistant Professor. He is the author of more than 400 publications and papers in the areas of bioengineering applications in vascular biology, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, and inflammation.

Dr.McIntire is past President of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering and is past Presidentof the Biomedical Engineering Society. In 1998, he was elected a Fellow of the American Association for theAdvancement of Science. In 2001, Dr. McIntire was elected to the National Academy of Engineering and wasappointed Editor-in-Chief of the Annals of Biomedical Engineering, effective January 2002 – December, 2009.

Larry V. McIntire博士于2003年加入佐治亚理工学院和埃默里大学医学院担任Wallace H. Coulter教授,以及担任佐治亚理工学院和埃默里大学华莱士.科特生物医学工程系的系主任。在任期间,他与北京大学生物医学工程系共同推进了北京大学/佐治亚理工/艾默里大学联合博士培养项目,这是中国首个由国务院学位办审批的联合博士培养项目,已成为北大未来技术学院博士生教育和中美研究生联合培养的重要标志,在中美高校产生了重要的影响。


他是The American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering的前主席,以及The Biomedical Engineering Society的前主席。1998年被选为美国科学促进会的会员。2001年入选美国工程院院士,并被任命为Annals of Biomedical Engineering的主编(2002年1月至2009年12月)。


Wangyi Wu吴望一

Biomechanics 生物力学

Distinguished Achievement 杰出贡献奖

Peking University 北京大学


同时,本次讲座也邀请了来自加州大学圣地亚哥分校Peter Yingxiao Wang教授带来精彩的主持。来自佐治亚理工学院Cheng Zhu教授杜克大学Fan Yuan教授担任嘉宾,来自北京大学工学院杨越教授和来自北京大学未来技术学院肖瑞平教授席建忠教授也将到会分享。精彩不断,敬请期待!iCANX将继续努力,为科学交流服务,提供一个全球学术交流的顶级平台,敬请大家期待!

At the same time, this lecture also invited Professor Peter Yingxiao Wang from University of California, San Diego to bring a wonderful host. Professor Cheng Zhu from the Georgia Institute of Technology and professor Fan Yuan from Duke University, Professor Yue Yang from College of Engineering, Professor Ruiping Xiao, Professor Jianzhong Xi from College of Future Technology as guests. iCANX will continue to work hard to serve scientific exchanges and provide a top platform for global academic exchanges. Please look forward to it!

每一期iCANX Talks直播结束后,都深受参会者好评,不仅为感兴趣的参会者和读者深度理解相关技术提供了帮助,也为研究生深入开展科研提供了一个很好的平台。更多精彩,尽在iCANX Talks !



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