【讲座预告】美国匹兹堡大学Jennifer Shang教授学术报告
【报告题目】Supply Chain Distribution Network Redesign
【报告人】Jennifer Shang 教授
【邀请人】胡祥培 教授
This research focuses on redesigning a pharmaceutical company’s distribution network, which affects the firm’s cost, customer satisfaction and profitability. We develop a distribution network with a dual emphasis on minimizing the total distribution costs and improving the customer service levels. Specifically, we determine the optimal number of regional distribution centers (RDC) the firm should operate with, identify where in the US the firm should locate these distribution centers, allocate each retailer/customer distribution center to an appropriate RDC, and determine the total transportation costs and service level for each case. Through sensitivity analysis, we understand the impact of parameters on the optimality of the proposed model. This marketing initiative saves the company $1.99 million (6%) per year, and improve the customer on-time delivery by 40%.
Jennifer Shang教授任教于美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh),是运营管理和营销领域的国际知名专家,担任匹兹堡大学 Katz商学院的商业分析与运作管理的部门主任,主要研究领域包括供应链和服务性组织系统的规划、调度和控制、定价和收益管理、商务分析、医疗管理、多准则决策等,发表研究论文百余篇,包括国际顶级期刊Management Science,Production and Operations Management,Marketing Science,Information Systems Research,Journal of Marketing等。
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