学术交流周系列报告(九)| 孔楠教授讲座
【报告题目】 Engineering Access to Prompt and Definitive Emergency Care
【报告人】 孔楠教授
【邀请人】 孙丽君教授
【报告时间】2021年7月15日 20:00-21:00
【会议地点】 线上 腾讯会议号 594 206 784
Access to emergency medical care continues to be a top concern to the healthcare industry of the U.S. and around the world, especially in rural areas where care access in general is poor. To such dire situation, significant contributors include ineffective management of pre-hospital emergency response operations and ineffective design of emergency care network. In this talk, we present two research projects in these two aspects. First, we address the issue of poor access top re-hospital life-saving interventions (e.g., defibrillator for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests and naloxone for opioid overdose) by harnessing drone technologies. We study a real-time joint decision problem via approximate dynamic programming. Second, we address the issue of geographic maldistribution of trauma centers by leveraging government subsidies. We study a subsidized network redesign problem via bilevel integer programming. Finally, we project how modern technologies can help transform emergency medical care logistics.
孔楠教授,普渡大学工学院教授。2006年从匹兹堡大学获得工业工程博士学位。长期从事于随机规划、医疗运作管理、医疗数据科学领域的研究,在非平稳随机规划(stochastic programming under non-stationarity)、随机前瞻(stochastic look-ahead)以及近似动态规划理论方法方面做了大量极具创新性的工作。已发表期刊论文69篇,其中多篇发表在管理领域的顶级期刊Management Science以及运筹领域顶级期刊Mathematical Programming中。累计引用超过1000多次,近五年累计引用700多次。近五年作为项目负责人(PI)主持项目5+1项(在研2+1项,包括1项补充支持项目,已完成项目3项),其中美国国家科学基金(NSF)项目4项;作为项目合作主持人(co-PI)主持项目4项。项目资助总金额1335.9万美元,直接负责金额142.7万美元。具有丰富的学术组织任职经历,包括:在多个管理与运筹领域的知名国际期刊领域主编和学术副主编,例如 Healthcare Management Science, Flexible Service and Manufacturing;美国电子电气工程师学会(IEEE)的高级会员(IEEE Senior Member,会员中的最高级别);在管理与运筹领域最大规模组织INFORMS举办的系列会议中担任程序主席,并在自动化顶级旗舰会议IEEE ASE担任会议领域副主编;担任NSF和NIH基金的评审专家(ProposalReview Panelist)。
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