ECNUMBA Weekly News Summary 2019.2.24-2019.3.2
Weekly NewsSummary
MBA Abroad
From February 12, 2019 to February 23, 2019, the visiting ECNU delegation consisting of fourteen MBA students together with two faculty members (Prof. Wu Xinru & Ms Liu Ying) successfully completed its academic, corporate and cultural study tour in Yokohama National University. The 12-day program, centering around the theme of “UN sustainable development goals in the context of Japan”, provided ECNUMBA students with an in-depth perspective into every fabric of daily life as well as the mixture of SDG and business in Japan.
Yokohama National University, a long-time partner of ECNUMBA center, is home to an educational pivot of Japan’s finance industry. During the YNU study tour, ECNUMBA students were exposed to a variety of courses ranging from Japanese culture & society, supply chain management to climate change & business management, Japanese leadership, Japanese language study, etc. These invaluable and insightful lectures were delivered by Prof. Hanzawa, Prof. Thornton, Prof. Heller and Prof. Ishida. During these courses, both ECNU and YNU students brainstormed together to find out the solution to the problems and developed independent thinking organically.
Company visits have always been an indispensable and appealing part of ECNUMBA study tours. For students visiting YNU, a field study into the corporate world of Yokohama was arranged and big brands such as NISSAN, world-renowned automobile manufacturer, Cisco, front-runner in Internet solutions, and Kirin beer factory, Tsurumi resources and waste factory, all offered a chance for MBA students to be informed of the advanced waste treatment technology and environmentally-friendly expertise in the industry.
At the closing ceremony of the study tour, MBA students were all awarded study-tour certificates by leaders from YNU international program office. Meanwhile, Japanese professors and company executives unanimously spoke highly of the academic performance and fast-learning initiative as well as critical thinking capabilities demonstrated by ECNUMBA students. All in all, ECNU-YNU visiting tour in 2019 marks yet another fruitful cooperative program operated between two leading universities in Asia.
MBA Lecture
Highlights of Mr. Pan Hong’s lecture dated Feb 24, 2019
(1) Starting up a new business is not a sprint, but rather, a marathon. It is only through accumulative effort that one can win over glory, fame and fortune.
(2) What determines whether a startup will live or die lies in its clear positioning in the larger market and distinct differentiation from its competitors in the industry.
(3) In the infancy of a startup, entrepreneurs should focus on survival of the fittest before preaching about development and expansion. Cost control and profit optimization are the most fundamental elements to success in this stage of business.
Bonus: Words of Wisdom
There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. We are all different. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there is life, there is hope.
– by Stephen Hawking
Source: International Cooperation Office
Copywriting & Translating: Daniel Shen
Editing: Amber Zhang
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