ECNUMBA Weekly News Summary 2019.4.14-2019.4.20
Weekly NewsSummary
MBA Case Analysis
MBA Case Analysis Competition has been held consecutively by ECNUMBA center since 2009. With an aim of cultivating students with a broad vision, extensive knowledge, and moral enlightenment, the 10-year-old traditional event was launched on April 16, 2019 and expected to have a 400-person turnout. MBA students are now free to team up with a maximum of 9 people each to sign up for and compete in the contest. An appealing reward of 20,000 yuan will be provided to the excellent team that ranks first place in the final round of the competition.
MBA Entrepreneurship
2019 MBA “Malie Cup” Entrepreneurship Competition completed the second round of its competition on April 14. Altogether 32 participating teams battled it out in 5 different venues for 10 top places to allow themselves to move forward into the final round of the contest. The much more intense and anticipated competition is scheduled to happen on May 12. Please stay tuned.
MBA Recruitment
On April 21, the admission office of ECNUMBA hosted an official promotion event for MBA students of Class 2019. In the morning, Prof Lan Faqin, Director of ECNUMBA Center, Ms Zhu Hongfei, Students Affairs Lead, Ms Wang Hongyan, International Cooperation Lead, Ms Li Zhen, Career Development Lead, and Mr Wang Zuliang, Admission Lead, all made detailed presentations to the students in an effort to allow the newly-recruited students to get familiar with everything regarding ECNU Professional Degrees Education Center.
Bonus: Words of Wisdom
1. “Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always.”
– Gandhi in Gandhi, 1982
2. “Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind. But an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”
– John Nash in A Beautiful Mind, 2001
3. “You can like the life you’re living. You can live the life you like.”
– Roxie in Chicago, 2002
Source: International Cooperation Office
Copywriting & Translating: Daniel Shen
Editing: Amber Zhang
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