华科校友 | 傅晓岚教授荣获2021年Falling Walls国际跨界创新科学突破大奖
傅晓岚教授荣获2021年Falling Walls国际跨界创新科学突破大奖
Xiaolan Fu chosen as winner of Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2021
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我们很高兴地宣布,傅晓岚教授,被选为2021年 Falling Walls国际跨界创新科学突破大奖科学创新管理类别(Science and Innovation Management)的十名获奖者之一。
傅教授由于她在早期技术评估(VEST)项目中的工作而荣获了该奖项。该项目开发了一个模型,以公司和技术层面的大数据为基础,对信息和通信行业中新技术进行估值;并基于此项研究成立了一家社会企业OxValue.AI。傅教授杰出的研究质量和重要性给Falling Walls评委会留下了深刻印象。
Falling Walls每年会在十个类别中从全世界的学术机构、大学、研究组织、公司、私人和公共研究中心、学者、研究资助者、基金会和个人中征集提名并遴选获奖研究,以表彰他们的最新的科学突破、杰出的科学项目和伟大的贡献。每个类别的入围者中选出10名获奖者,且每个类别的一名获奖者将被选为2021年Falling Walls科学突破奖,并将于9月15日公布。
德国跨界创新基金会Falling Walls Foundation成立于2009年。它每年在柏林举办一次科学活动,与柏林墙倒塌纪念日(1989年11月9日)同时举行,展示来自各个领域的国际科学家的研究工作。获奖者将在11月的活动上展示他们的作品。每年的年度会议Falling Walls Conference是世界顶级的科技创新交流论坛,被 BBC 誉为 "The brightest minds on the planet"。
We are delighted to announce that Professor Xiaolan Fu has beenselected as one of ten winners of the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2021 in the category Science and Innovation Management.
Professor Fu's win wasfor her work on the Valuation of Early Stage Technology (VEST) project. The project developed a model to estimate the value ofnew technologies in the information and communication industrybased on largefirm-level data; ithas recently been spun out into a social enterprise, OxValue.AI. The international Falling Walls Jury was impressed by "the outstanding quality and relevance of [Professor Fu's] research",according to the announcement.
Academics and academic institutions, universities, research organisations, companies, private and public research centres, academies, research funders, foundations, and individuals were invited tonominate "the latest breakthroughs, outstanding science projects, and bright minds behind them"in10 categories. Ten winneres were selected fromfinalists in each cateogry; one winner from each category will be selected as the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughsof the Year 2021 and will be announced on 15 September.
TheFalling WallsFoundation was founded in 2009. It holds an annual science event inBerlinthat coincides with the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall(9 November 1989) and showcases the research work of international scientists from a wide range of fields. The overal winners will present their work at the November event.
管理学院工业管理工程851班校友,牛津大学社会科学领域首位大陆华人终身教授,牛津大学技术管理发展中心 (Technology and Management Centre for Development) 创始主任 (Founding Director),国际发展系教授,技术和国际发展研究专家,格林坦普顿 (Green Templeton) 学院会士 (Governing Body Fellow)。2015和2016年,先后被联合国秘书长潘基文亲自聘请为"联合国可持续发展技术促进机制十人顾问小组"成员(全球学界唯一代表)和联合国技术银行理事会成员。
(本文转载自华中科技大学管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
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