Guest speaker
Professor Francisco Lozano Winterhalder
(Professor at ESADE Business School (Barcelona) - Senior Consultant at CEC International (Boston))
Subject: Sustainability as Responsibility and Opportunity
Time:Nov 1st, 2018, Thursday, 19:00-21:00
Venue:Room 702, MBA Building, Lingnan (U) College, SYSU
Brief Introduction
Our world is suffering the worse crisis never existed, the environmental one. Business can’t be out of this tremendous challenge. Why? Because we are humans and we have to assume our part of responsibility. But also, because following the correct way to recover balance with our planet, we have a lot of business opportunities. Business and sustainability are not enemies, they need each to each other.
Guest Introduction
Professor of Environment and Sustainability at ESADE Business School (University Ramon Llull), where he teaches those issues and lead several lines of research focused mainly on Climate Change and the problem of energy, and Circular Economy.
Participating as a tutor in the program SUD (University Program for Development).
Tutor of research in the Global Master for International Management, organized by the Virginia University (US), ESADE and Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-sen University.
Collaborate also with the Global System for Sustainable Development (MIT).
As an international speaker -having given lectures, courses, seminars… in more than forty countries- and consultant. Working for the American consultancy, CEC International, headquartered in Boston (US).
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (UK) and member of the group for Sustainable Development.
Member of the board of the United Nations Spanish Association. Participated in the Summit of Earth, Rio+5, in New York, as worldwide representative of the national UN associations.
Member of the Sustainable Council of the city of Barcelona.
Involved in the UNESCO movement and occupied the secretariat of the UNESCO Club in Barcelona during four years.
The lecture is open to Lingnan MBA students ONLY.
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