Applications are invited for a position at either assistant or associate professor level in Environmental Science in the Department of Ecology and Health and Environmental Sciences at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.
The positions are 40% research, 40% teaching and 20% service. Initial appointment is on a 3-year contract and is equivalent to a tenure track position. Research expertise can be in any basic or applied area of environmental science.
The successful appointees will teach courses in Environmental Science according to current and future Departmental needs. HES has current teaching needs in environmental engineering, aquatic ecology & aquatic chemistry.
The successful applicant is required to have a PhD or equivalent degree in Environmental Science or a related field relevant to environmental sciences and appropriate research and teaching experience to be appointed as Assistant/Associate Professor. English is the instruction language at XJTLU.
• PhD or equivalent degree in Environmental Science, Ecology, Biology, Geography, Natural Resource Science, or a related field relevant to environmental sciences
• Appropriate research experience to be appointed as assistant/associate Professor
•Fluency in English
• Teaching ability in environmental science or ecology
• Postdoctoral experience
• University level teaching experience
• Research interest in China
•Teaching expertise in any area of ecology or environmental chemistry
Range of Annual Base Pay:
Lecturer: 280k-320k RMB
Assistant Professor: 360k-400k RMB
Associate Professor: 450k-490k RMB
Senior Associate Professor: 540k-580k RMB
Professor: Above 620k RMB, negotiable
Members of Academic Staff are entitled to subsidies foraccommodation, travel, and children’s education, medical insurance, and a one-time relocation allowanceis provided.
Overseas staff may receive a tax “holiday”,depending on nationality and personal circumstances.
(本文转载自青塔人才 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
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