
2024-07-03 10:50 浏览量: 1397



On June 19, 2024, the Aviation and Shipping Industry Finance Research Center (ASIF)of Fudan International School of Finance (FISF)extended invitations to a wide range of partner organizations. In collaboration with the newly established China Representative Office of the Royal Aeronautical Society in Pudong, they jointly hosted the "International Symposium on Aviation Finance Ecosystem and Internationalization of Aircraft Value Appraisals".

The event attracted over 30 government agencies and enterprises, including the East China Regional Administration of Civil Aviation Administration of China, Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Pudong New Area Commerce Committee, Pudong New Area Shipping Office, Shanghai Free Trade Zone Bonded Area Administration, Lingang New Area Management Committee, Shanghai World Expo Administration Bureau, Vocational Training Council of Hong Kong, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Air China, China Eastern Airlines, Spring Airlines, Juneyao Airlines, China Express Airlines, Shanghai Airport Authority, China Development Bank, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications Financial Leasing, CMB Financial Leasing, SPD Financial Leasing, Astro Leasing, PICC Property and Casualty Company, CPIC Allianz, IBA, PwC, HFW,AllBright Law Offices.

More than 60 industry experts and high-level representatives gathered to discuss cutting-edge topics such as the construction of an aviation finance ecosystem and the internationalization of aircraft value appraisals. This impressive attendance underscored the high-caliber and international character of the symposium.



The symposium was strongly supported by the Pudong New Area Commerce Committee. Ms. Gao Lingling, Director of Pudong New Area Shipping Development Promotion Center, stated: "Shanghai aims to become 'Five Centers' - an international economic, financial, shipping, trade, and innovation hub. Enhancing high-end shipping services is crucial for Pudong's international shipping center. Standardizing and internationalizing aircraft asset valuation represents 'new quality productivity' in our shipping industry development."




Professor Gao Huasheng, Deputy Dean of FISF and Director of ASIF, delivered a speech highlighting the center's development and three innovative programs:

1."Industry Finance Elite Internship Program": Deepening industry-academia collaboration through rotational practices.

2."Industry Finance Lifecycle Training Program": Aligning with international standards to cultivate versatile talents.

3."Industry Finance Collaborative Service Program": Designing top-level strategies to provide streamlined, industry-specific services.

These initiatives aim to foster talent, enhance education, and improve industry services in aviation finance.



Witnessed by attendees, Director Gao Lingling and Professor Gao Huasheng presented appointment letters to the first "Special Appointed Experts" of Fudan's Aviation and Shipping Industry Finance Research Center.



Reflecting its international focus, the symposium welcomed experts from home and abroad. Dr. Wang Jianguo, Deputy Executive Director of Hong Kong's Vocational Training Council, attended with his team and presented a gift to the Research Center.




Dr. Wang Bo, Senior Researcher at FISF and Executive Deputy Director of ASIF, chaired the symposium and presented on "Building Shanghai's International Aviation Finance Ecosystem."

His report defined the aviation finance ecosystem, described its mature characteristics, and proposed an innovative indicator system for evaluating global aviation finance centers. Dr. Wang suggested Shanghai should focus on regional collaboration, technological empowerment, and professional support to enhance its brand and influence as an international financial center.He urged industry experts to take a broad view in promoting China's aviation finance ecosystem, emphasizing the need for domestic coordination and international competitiveness among aviation finance centers.



Mr. Shen Wenjia, Chief Representative of the Royal Aeronautical Society in China and an aircraft appraiser, delivered a keynote speech. He compared international qualifications for aircraft appraisals, analyzed the alignment of Chinese standards with international norms, and discussed future development strategies for China's aircraft asset appraisal industry.



Mr. Johnny Lau, Research Center expert and President of Astro Aircraft Leasing, provided an in-depth analysis of the latest developments in domestic and international aircraft leasing markets. Drawing on his extensive industry experience and profound insights, he outlined strategic directions for the near-term development of aviation leasing.



Ms. Zhang Jingbo, Research Center expert and CFO of China Express Airlines, presented on cost management in regional aviation. As a private company pioneering the operation of domestically produced ARJ21 aircraft, China Express Airlines' experience in managing and operating domestic aircraft assets drew significant attention and discussion from attendees.



The successful symposium provided a high-level exchange platform for the industry and showcased the academic leadership of ASIF in advancing the aviation finance sector. Moving forward, the research center will continue to deepen industry-academia-research collaboration, contributing expertise and support to Shanghai's development as an international center for economy, finance, shipping, trade, and innovation.


(本文转载自复旦大学国际金融学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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