
香港中文大学(深圳)金融 EMBA
2024-09-06 08:57 浏览量: 1716



Dear entering students, colleagues, families, and friends,

Good morning and welcome to all! Today we are celebrating the beginning of an important journey for our 2024 incoming students. They are 1566 undergraduate students from 21 domestic provinces and cities along with students admitted for the first time from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, 240 international students from 16 countries and regions, 133 exchange students from 44 global partner universities, and 2097 master’s and doctoral students, who are now separately in the University Sports Hall, let’s give them a big applause. On behalf of all faculty, staff, and students, let me welcome you to join the CUHK-Shenzhen family. I also want to thank Prof Rocky Tuan, Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, Prof. Arieh Warshel for their excellent speeches, which are very enlightening and inspiring.

Dear students, you have been brought here not only by academic excellence, but also by a global vision and a spirit for innovation. You have each arrived here with unique stories to share, perspectives to inspire, talents and potentials to enrich the campus, dreams and aspirations to be developed and fulfilled. Today your stories intersect with the history of CUHK-Shenzhen, and I trust this will be the beginning of many inspiring and empowering stories and experiences.

今年是香港中文大学(深圳)建校十周年,三月份的时候,我们在这里,在礼文堂举行了隆重的庆祝典礼,向建校以来一直帮助和支持我们的社会各界朋友汇报办学的成果,分享成功的喜悦。正如我在校庆大会上曾感叹的,奋斗的十年,每一天都显得格外漫长,而这十年却又过得这么快!(The days are long, and a decade is so short!)这十年里,我们从无到有,从一片荒芜的空地和几幢废弃的厂房,到如今风光秀丽、蓬勃发展的万人校园;从“黄埔一期”经管学院的286名新生,到如今七所学院、七所书院,来自世界各地的本、硕、博在校生超过11000人;就在本月,我们的第七所学院——公共政策学院也刚刚诞生……



Dear students, I hope over the past week you’ve had time to settle in, to learn your way around the campus and the local area, to explore a little, and that you’ve begun to feel at home at CUHK-Shenzhen. No matter where you come from or in what ways you may feel different from everybody else, please remember that this is your home, and you belong here. I can’t wait to see you bond with this place and its people and to find your role here. And if you don’t find one ready for you, you can create one! You will find that this is part of the excellent CUHK-Shenzhen tradition.

Beginning university life marks an important threshold. In many ways, you are now taking the steering wheel in your own hands. There is no set model to follow, though there are many good examples to inspire. I hope you will experience the joy of intellectual inquiry driven by the curiosity to learn; I hope you will know the thrill that empowers the soul in your quest for truth. I also want you to be prepared that the academic climb can be steep and, at times, daunting. But in pursuing this rigorous journey with courage, perseverance, and honesty, you will discover strengths you never knew you had.

Entering university means taking a significant step toward becoming an engaged and informed member of the larger society. Our university is not an ivory tower. It is a place to expand your understanding of the world, to explore diverse perspectives and ideas that challenge your assumptions and broaden your worldview. You will begin to see that your actions and decisions may influence people and things around you, and university years should be a time you seriously reflect on the ways in which you can connect with and contribute meaningfully to humanity and the world in large.







Dear students, a university education can be defined by many things. People will tell you it’s the GPA that shows on your transcript, the awards you win, the offers you receive, your academic discoveries, your involvement in student activities, volunteering and social services, the friendships you form… In a world where online resources are unlimited and AI outperforms humanity in most of our daily needed skills, the knowledge you earn and the skills you acquire over the next few years won’t decide how successful your university education is. Not even what research area you choose to engage in and how much you contribute to creating new knowledge. Ultimately you are here to improve yourselves, and the only way to achieve this is through self-discovery and world-discovery which are two complementary processes. The success of your university education will NOT be determined by where you start or where you end up. It will be determined by the extent of your growth, your ‘delta’, I just mentioned. I hope your years here will be a journey of growth — intellectually, emotionally, imaginatively, and creatively.

Dear entering students, we are happy and proud of your arrival here today, and I can’t wait to see how much prouder you will make us in the years to come.

Thank you, and best wishes to all!


(本文转载自港中大深圳金融EMBA ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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