报名 | 北大光华-凯洛格国际EMBA项目Coffee Chat@北京
今年九月,北大光华-凯洛格国际EMBA项目新近迎来一批跨越国界、背景多元的全球商业人才。您是否正在考虑加入这个蓬勃发展、充满活力的精英社群?作为中国大陆地区首个中美合作的高端EMBA项目,它将为您带来独一无二的价值和全球体验。欢迎预约北大光华-凯洛格国际EMBA项目Coffee Chat,与招生老师一对一交流,详尽探索更多项目详情。
This september, the Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA program welcomed a group of global business talents with diverse backgrounds across borders. Are you also considering joining this thriving community? As the first Sino-US international EMBA program in the mainland of China, this program will provide you with unique value and global experiences. You are warmly invited to schedule a Coffee Chat with our admissions team to learn more about the details.
1. 北大光华-凯洛格国际EMBA项目的独特之处;
2. 本项目是否适合您的职业发展目标;
3. 关于招生和录取的疑问解答;
4. 协助进行申请并给予建议;
During the coffee chat, we will:
1. Offer insights on the unique values of the Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA Program;
2. Help you determine if the program is the right fit for your professional goals;
3. Answer your questions about admissions and applications;
4. Give advice and guide you through the application process;
线下 Offline
You can make an appointment to have a coffee chat with the admissions team from September 18th to 20th in Beijing.
线上 Online
Alternatively, you can schedule an online meeting with the admissions team.
立即报名/ Sign Up
(本文转载自北大光华EMBA ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
* 文章为作者独立观点,不代表MBAChina立场。采编部邮箱:news@mbachina.com,欢迎交流与合作。
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