人工智能营销专题讲座 | 姚琦、吴章建、Wenkai Zhou 顾客社会阶层和服务种类对顾客选择AI服务机器人偏好的影响

2022-04-27 10:08 浏览量: 2450

429日(周五)下午2点,重庆交通大学姚琦教授团队将为大家分享题为“The impact of social class and service type on preference for AI service robots”的最新研究。


Purpose – The research aims to explore the interaction effect of consumer social class and service type on consumers’ preference for robot services, as well as the mediating role of risk aversion in this interaction effect.

Design/methodology/approach – Experiment 1 is a field experiment with service type being the independent variable. The participants were divided into two groups based on the services they received (diagnostic dental services vs. hotel room services). 93 consumers participated voluntarily in the blind experiment and were asked if they would choose to allow a robot to perform the focal services. Experiment 2 employs a 2X2 factorial design: personal fitness trainer services at the gym vs wait staff services in a casual dining restaurant 3 higher-vs lower-social class, with 196 participants.

Findings–Results from the two experiments show that participants in the higher-social classes were more willing than participants in the lower-social classes to choose robot services in credence-based service settings.More significantly, risk aversion mediated the interaction effect of social class and service type on participants’ preference for robot services.

Originality/value– Based on the credence-experience typology, this research is the first to discuss the weight of social class in consumer decision-making regarding preference for different types of robot services. Furthermore, by extending risk aversion to the robot services field, the current research sheds new lighton this underlying mechanism that can inform future studies.



主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,教育部人文社科规划项目1项,研究成果发表在European Journal of Innovation Management, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, International Journal of Emerging MarketsPsychology Research and Behavior Management,《南开管理评论》《心理学报》《管理工程学报》《营销科学学报》等国内外重要期刊。担任国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审专家。


Wenkai ZhouUniversity of Central Oklahoma助理教授。论文发表在Journal of Business Research, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice等期刊。并曾担任International Marketing Review, International Journal of Market Research等期刊特刊客座主编。


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