商业伦理专题讲座 | 张宏宇 帮助组织但伤害自己:职工非伦理的亲组织行为何以预示工作与生活的冲突
讲座题目:Helping the organization but hurting yourself: How employees’ unethical pro-organizational behavior predicts work-to-life conflict
论文已发表在OrganizationalBehaviorandHuman DecisionProcesses
摘要:Integrating paradox theory with work-life boundary theory, we examine how employees’ unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) increases work-to-life conflict.
Based on themorally paradoxical nature of UPB (unethical yet pro-organizational),we propose that UPB triggers emotional ambivalence by simultaneously inducing guilt (negative moral emotion) and pride (positive moral emotion). This emotional ambivalence produces astate of anxiety, which in turn increases employees’ work-to-life conflict.
Our theoretical perspective (UPB → emotional ambivalence [guilt & pride] →stateanxiety → work-to-life conflict) was supported by an experience sampling studyof hairstylists (Study 1), a vignette experiment of accountants (Study2), an dan experience sampling study of employee-partner pairs (Study 3).
In sum, ourresearch demonstrates that unethical behavior intended to benefit theorganization may paradoxically hurt employees themselves.
研究兴趣集中于伦理决策和中国特色领导力等领域,相关成果发表于Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, The Leadership Quarterly, Human Resource Management,《管理世界》,《南开管理评论》等国内外权威期刊。主持国家自然科学基金项目一项、中央财经大学科研创新团队项目一项。荣获北京市高校第十届青年教师教学基本功比赛文史组二等奖。撰写案例入选 “全国百篇优秀管理案例”。
(本文转载自南京邮电大学MBA ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
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