碳税政策 绿色能源政策 | 孙彦 中国居民对消费侧气候政策的态度:气候变化感知能力与环境话题参与度的作用
6月5日(周日)上午10点,中科院心理所特聘研究员,博士生导师、中国科学院卢嘉锡人才孙彦博士将为大家分享题为“Chinese residents’ attitudes toward consumption-side climate policy: The role of climate change perception and environmental topic involvement”的最新研究。相关研究成果发表在《Resources, Conservation & Recycling》上。
Carbon tax policy and green energy policy are considered to be important instruments for CO2 reduction, but usually it is investigated from the production side. From the full lifecycle perspective, however,the consumption side is the main driver of production and process emissions.
Given that China is a major carbon emitter and a country with a large population, it is of great significance to understand Chinese residents’ attitudes towards climate policies aimed at the consumption side, so as to promote climate policies.
We conducted a large-sample survey (N = 4699) to reveal the current state of support for personal carbon tax and green energy policy among Chinese residents.The results showed that Chinese residents were highly supportive of both policies, driven primarily by climate change perception; environmental topic involvement significantly mediated these relationships.
We believe that based on our findings, policy makers could consider regulating emissions from the consumption side, increasing public understanding and awareness of climate change, encouraging the public to actively participate in environmental topics, giving financial subsidies to low-income groups and developing regions with unbalanced resources and economy.
个人简介:孙彦博士,中科院心理所特聘研究员,博士生导师、中国科学院卢嘉锡人才。国家人与生物圈自然教育委员会委员。北京生态文明与可持续发展教育委员会副理事长。澳大利亚昆士兰大学客座博士生导师、联合国环境规划署客座研究员。主要研究方向为信息传递的心理机制及其在气候政策、环保行为促进中的应用。在Resources, Conservation & Recycling、International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control、Urban Water Journal等权威期刊发表第一\\通讯作者论文50余篇。曾荣获中国科学院院长奖等学术荣誉。主持多项国家自科基金、国家社科基金、中科院、北京市科委等科研项目和瑞银基金会、IFAW等公益基金项目。在国家自然基金委、国家生态环境部、科技部、教育部、北京市社工委、北京市水务局、国际爱护动物基金会担任过项目评审或专家咨询工作。
(本文转载自南京邮电大学MBA ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
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