北大跨文化领导力论坛Partha Ghosh:贸易与信任裂痕可能带来的深刻变局
【MBAChina网讯】应北大国发院金光讲席教授、国发院BiMBA商学院联席院长杨壮邀请,美国管理学者、世界多家企业和政府机构的政策与战略顾问Partha Ghosh先生将做客【北大跨文化领导力论坛】第13期。Partha Ghosh是印度精英的典型,他成长于印度,取得美国MIT大学的工程学硕士学位与MBA学位后留美,成功应聘麦肯锡并做到合伙人,之后创立自己的战略与政策咨询公司。
Partha Ghosh一直活跃在美国管理咨询业的前沿,擅长关注全球的格局走势与管理应对,还作为兼职教授在美国塔夫茲大学Gordon Institute教授全球化与跨国公司战略领域的课程。他认为,世界经济正处于拐点,这个拐点源于大经济体之间的贸易与信任出现了裂痕,这可能在未来25年给世界格局带来前所未有的深刻变化,并从根本上影响企业经营和发展的模式。
Partha S. Ghosh is a Professor of Practice in Globalization and MNC Strategies at the Gordon Institute of Tufts University. He is a policy advisor and a strategist for Corporates and Governments. He is known worldwide as an innovator of Business and Economic models and currently enjoys advisory relationships with multiple organizations in more than half a dozen nations.
Mr. Ghosh was a partner at McKinsey & Company and is the founder/Managing director of Strategy/Policy advisory firm Partha S. Ghosh & Associates. He has also chaired several start-ups such as Boston Analytics, Global-Online and Intersoft Japan. He has two advanced Engineering (MS) and Management (MBA) degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He did his undergraduate work at Indian Institute of Technology.
Partha Ghosh believes that in the next 25 years the world economy will undergo profound changes which civilization has never experienced before. Industries and governments will need to reinvent the basic tenants of capitalism implying fundamental transformation of industry and economic models.
19:00-20:15 Partha S. Ghosh先生演讲——Global Economy at the Point of Infection: Facing the Uneasy Challenges of Trade and Trust?
20:15-20:30 杨壮教授点评
20:30-21:00 Q&A 问答互动
(本文转载自北京大学国家发展研究院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
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