Call for Papers:Digital Currencies
Call for Papers
The Development, Trends, and Policy Implications of Digital Currencies
Special Issue of theChina Economic Journal
To promote research on frontiers in digital currencies, the Technological progress and innovation have moved digital currencies from a future concept to current reality. Developments in digital currencies may impose far-reaching impacts on almost all aspects of social and economic activities. The deep integration of digital technology and finance has not only expedited the practice of digital currencies but also creates new theoretical and empirical research topics on the development, trends, and policy implications of digital currencies. Topics of interest for submission to this special issue include, but are not limited to:
▶The impact of digital currencies on payment systems
▶Blockchain technology and its implications for digital currencies
▶Central bank digital currency and its impact on the banking sector and the financial system
▶Digital currency and monetary policy
▶The prospects and challenges of global stablecoins
Submitted papers must be original and unpublished theoretical or empirical studies. Please follow the manuscript guidelines ofthe( and send the paper, 2020.The email subject line and file name should be "Digital Currencies 2020_Name of Corresponding Author_ Thesis Title". The corresponding author's contact details (e-mail and telephone number) must be provided on the first page of the paper.
(本文转载自北京大学国家发展研究院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
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