北大汇丰商学院:How to Build a Brand?
【MBAChina网讯】北大汇丰MBA系列讲座:How to Build a Brand?2019年03月01日19:00-21:00北京大学汇丰商学院337教室与你不见不散。主办方:北京大学汇丰商学院MBA项目。
Madelyn Postmanis the Managing Director of Leidar London, the UK branch of international advocacy, branding and communications consultancy with its headquarters in Geneva and further offices in Brussels, Oslo and Dubai. Her background is in branding and design for sectors spanning luxury, property and education. Starting her career in Italy in the 1990s, Madelyn was an art director at Gucci Group for five years, during which time she moved to London. She has been running her own agencies there since 2002, working for clients such as Burberry, Richemont, Sunglass Hut and Nokia. BBC News Channel, GMT and Talking Business have invited her to comment on branding and business topics, and she often gives talks at conferences and universities. Madelyn is currently writing a book based on her family roots in China, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.
An in-depth case study illustrating the step-by-step approach to successfully building a brand.
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