David Hall : 做困难的事,让自己更强大 | 2019年毕业典礼
Hello everyone!
I am very honored to be speaking to you all this afternoon in this graduation ceremony. I’m David Hall, part of the 2017 MBA class. It seems like just yesterday that I was up here singing Justin Bieber’s “Baby” at the MBA opening ceremony. Time has truly flown by and I’m grateful for the sacrifices that everyone in this room has made to make it here.
Looking back on the past two years, I’ve learned so many lessons but today wanted to share three things I’ve learned coming here:
#1 – You can do hard things
I came here to PHBS two years ago and entered the great unknown. At first, it was different and hard, but doing hard things make us stronger. There were so many times of stress with exams and preparations with Thesis defenses, etc., but we’ve made it and because of it, have grown. As a result of attending PHBS, I’ve made so many friends and have had such great experiences that I will cherish forever.
#2 – Stay positive
Smile, laugh, and be positive. People want to be around those who are positive and have energy. Positivity is contagious. Please spread this wherever you go!
#3 – Help and embrace others
Everyone falls down in life – whether it be academic or business failures. The people we tend to remember most are those that help pick us up. Be those helping hands that pick us up!
Finally, I want to express my sincere gratitude to my family, and to all the workers here at PHBS from the professors to the office support team to the security staff. Thank you. This is a world-class university with world-class people and you’ve made it all possible. To the graduating students today, I hope that you’ll always remember and cherish your stop here at PHBS on your long, successful journey. This isn’t a final goodbye, but rather a see you again.
Thank you!
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