经济学者对话 | 欧洲足坛的金融监管
“Critical Conversations with Economists”系列线上讲座第三期将于12月16日(下周三)举行,芝加哥大学康斯坦丁·索宁(Konstantin Sonin)教授将以“欧洲足坛的金融监管”为主题发表演讲。本次讲座由北京大学光华管理学院助理教授刘烁主持,他还将与康斯坦丁·索宁教授进行话题讨论。
北京大学芝加哥中心与芝加哥大学贝克尔-弗里德曼经济研究所联合推出的“Critical Conversations with Economists”系列线上讲座,以经济学家对话的形式,探讨和分析当今中国和世界面临的经济问题。讲座目前已举办两期,第一期中,北京大学光华管理学院刘俏教授与美国芝加哥大学布斯商学院谢长泰教授,就中美两国在新冠疫情期间采取的经济刺激政策进行线上对话;第二期围绕“气候变化的不确定性对社会评价和政策制定的影响”,北京大学光华管理学院韩鹏飞助理教授对话诺贝尔经济学奖得主、芝加哥大学Lars Peter Hansen教授。
Konstantin Sonin
Shuo Liu
On Wednesday, December 16, our lecture series will welcome Prof. Konstantin Sonin from the University of Chicago to give a talk with the title “Financial Regulation of European Football", followed by a Q&A session moderated byProf.Shuo Liu from the Peking University.
Football is an important part of global culture, with millions of amateur players and hundreds of millions of devoted spectators. In the 21stcentury, advances in broadcast technologies and international outreach of major European leagues have led to the tremendous and consistent growth of club revenues, turning the leagues into multi-billion-dollar enterprises. With success comes challenges, including financial discipline and competition among clubs, which challenge the long-term viability of European club football. The talk will discuss the introduction of financial regulations, their impact, and the progress of European football finances in 2010s.
The University of Chicago Center at the Peking University and the BFI-China at the University of Chicago jointly host a monthly virtual lecture series “Critical Conversations with Economists” to convene renowned economists from each institution for a critical discussion addressing economic issues facing China and the world today. In the last session held on 13 November, a discussion was held between UChicago Booth School of Business’s Lars Peter Hansen and PKU’s Pengfei Han on the topic of “How Should Climate Change Uncertainty Impact Social Valuation and Policy?”.
Lecture Information
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
09:30 – 10:30 am China Standard Time
Venue: Zoom
Please click on “Read More” to register for the event
Professor Konstantin Sonin is John Dewey Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. As the co-director of BFI’s Political Economics Initiative, his research interests include political economics, development, and economic theory. His papers have been published in leading academic journals in economics andpolitical science.
Professor Shuo Liu is Assistant Professor of Economics at the Peking University Guanghua School of Management. His research interests include industrial and organizational economics, game theory, and mechanism design. His papers have been published in top academic journals in economics.
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