
2022-03-24 16:58 浏览量: 2287

Editor\'s Note

Meet Our "Future Leaders"是北京大学光华管理学院“未来领导者”国际本科项目推出的专题系列报道,通过讲述来自北京大学及全球合作院校的该项目学生丰富且多元的故事与思想,展示“未来领导者”项目学生的青春风采。


#Meet Our "Future Leaders" # is a series featuring the personal stories of students in PKU Guanghua\'s "Future Leaders" International Undergraduate Program.

Today, we meet Cao Yajun, a Chinese young manwho has a great passion for behavioral science research andhas just become the first student in history to be accepted directly into Harvard\'s Organizational Behavior (OB) Ph.D. program from mainland China as an undergraduate.


Cao Yajun



本科阶段令他最为享受的两段经历分别是行为科学的学术研究,与文化多样性的沉浸体验。他对于“人类本性”(human nature) 的好奇促使他投身组织行为学和社会心理学研究。在光华众多杰出的教授的指导下,他过去三年的研究经历和成果使他成功被哈佛商学院组织行为学博士项目录取,成为中国大陆首位本科直博该项目的学生。


Yajun is a local student at Peking University Guanghua School of Management, pursuing a double major in Business Administration and Psychology, and a minor in Data Science. Two things that make his undergrad experience incredibly enjoyable are his empirical research on behavioral science and his engagement in the highly diverse community of the "Future Leaders" Program. Aiming at promoting our understanding of human nature, he is devoted to psychology and micro-organizational behavior research. With three years of research experience, closely working with Guanghua faculty members, his academic achievements brought him admission to the doctoral program in Organizational Behavior at Harvard Business School. Meanwhile, being immersed in the "Future Leaders" cohort has made him enjoy exploring cultural differences in people’s minds and behaviors while preparing him to begin a new journey in a different country to understand human nature better.


The Road to Organizational Behavior Research

雅俊对于我们日常行为中反映出的人类本性一直抱有强烈的好奇,这也是他最初选择组织行为学研究这条对光华本科生而言“人迹罕至”的发展道路的初心。在课堂学习了基本的心理学理论后,他在光华组织与战略管理系张志学教授及其学生尚哲博士的指导下首次接触到了组织行为学领域的研究,养成了初步的学术思维。不久后,雅俊被组织与战略管理系柏阳教授的研究吸引,并在她的言传身教下真正开始完整地体验科研的全过程。在Yang Lab的近三年时光里,雅俊参与研究了一系列有关社会情绪(例如敬畏、嫉妒等)如何影响人的自我概念和团队过程的科研项目。这段经历使他被情绪的社会功能深深吸引——情绪的社会功能主义理论指出,情绪对于人类的社会生活具有进化意义,是传承在人类基因中的人类本性的一部分(Keltner, Haidt, & Shiota, 2006)。

Deeply fascinated by the fundamental questions regarding human nature, Yajun decides to take a rigorous and empirical approach to pursue his passion for human behaviors.After completing basic coursework in social psychology, he was introduced to Organizational Behavior (OB) research by Zhixue Zhang, Professor of Organization and Management and Zhe Shang, a post-doctoral fellow of Guanghua School of Management.Intrigued by Zhixue’s research about fate belief, he seriously considered micro-OB research as his career. Later in summer 2019, he joined the Lab of Yang Bai, Assistant Professor of Organization and Management, Guanghua School of Management, and began working on projects about emotion’s social functions in the next two and a half years. With Yang, he investigated how social emotions (e.g., awe and envy) shape people\'s self-concepts and unite social groups. He believes in the social factionist and evolutionary psychology theory of emotion (See Keltner, Haidt, & Shiota, 2006) and is convinced that emotions are an integral component of human nature that we inherit from our ancestors.


Built upon his Research Assistant experience, Yajun proactively seeks opportunities to develop his own research ideas. Supported by the Peking University undergraduate research training program, he conducted a project on leader competence perception under the supervision of Yang. He independently designed and ran four experiments and one archival study, and presented it to the Harvard Business School ("HBS") admission committee as his featured work. Moreover, he also collaborated with Minya Xu, Associate Professor of Business Statistics and Econometrics of Guanghua, to conduct several survey studies and field experiments on topics like workplace gossip and newcomer socialization. He hopes to integrate fundamental psychology theories and management literature to study human behavior and provide insights for practitioners.


Yajun\'s hard work and academic achievements were eventually recognized by the HBS faculty, making him the first undergraduate student in mainland China in history to be admitted directly to the doctoral program in OB at HBS (The admission rate is less than 2% this year). He is proud to be the only Asian student and the only one without full-time working experience admitted to HBS this year.


Serving the Community

除了课内学习与研究之外,雅俊在社会服务方面投入了很大的精力。他在光华管理学院青年志愿者协会、流浪猫关爱协会等多个学生组织均有志愿工作的经历;同时在北京大学学生就业指导中心职业发展教研室工作近两年。他利用自己有关职业心理学的专业知识和行为科学的研究方法帮助教研室在新生职业教育方面构建与检验不同的干预方案。目前,他正在与教研室的老师合作在新生中开展大规模的“助推”(nudge) 干预与追踪调查,期望利用行为科学的手段帮助新生更主动的进行职业规划。

Besides research and coursework, Yajun spends lots of free time in voluntary work and social services. He has worked as a student assistant at the Student Career Center of Peking University for one and a half years. Based on his knowledge in vocational psychology, he helped the staff develop career services for undergraduate students, especially for freshmen during their orientation. He used tactics like field interventions to support the center test the effectiveness of different career service programs. Additionally, interacting with small animals and playing harmonica always refreshed him, especially when he was under huge pressure due to his application last year.As a result, he joined the Stray Cat Caring Association and the Harmonica Association at Peking University to develop these personal interests in his free time.

享受“未来领导者”项目带来的多元文化环境Enjoying Diversity in a Multicultural Environment

作为“未来领导者”国际本科项目的第一届学生,雅俊觉得自己非常幸运能获得这样的机会,在项目提供的多元文化环境中体验学习,与来自不同文化背景的同学沟通协作,逐步建立起跨文化交流的自信心。组织行为学领域恰好有最新研究指出,东亚裔个体在多种族的职场环境中遇到“天花板”的部分原因,正是他们更倾向于只与相同种族文化背景的人建立社会网络,而失去了跨文化交流所带来的机遇 (Lu, 2021);相反,如果能够拥有更多跨文化经历,那么在多文化团队中的领导能力便会更强 (Lu, Swaab, & Galinsky, 2021)。在雅俊看来,“未来领导者”项目的理念与最新的学术研究发现不谋而合,为提升学生在多元文化环境下的领导力提供了丰富的实践机会,这段宝贵的经历也使得自己未来在跨文化领域里成长发展做足了准备。

Speaking of the experience in the "Future Leaders" Program, Yajun enjoys discussing with fellow students from different cultural backgrounds and learning from various opinions towards the same issue in their chats. He is grateful to the "Future Leaders" Program because it helps him establish confidence (academically known as self-efficacy, according to Yajun) in interacting and socializing with students from other cultures. "My experience in the program corresponds with the latest OB studies on the \'Bamboo Ceiling\' phenomenon by Dr. Jackson G. Lu at MIT Sloan, who pointed out that East Asians appear disproportionately underrepresented in leadership positions in multiethnic environments partly because they socialize more with members within the same ethnic group and lost the chance of expanding their network (Lu, 2021), while multicultural experience can enhance one\'s leadership effectivenessin multinational teams (Lu, Swaab, & Galinsky, 2021)”, explained Yajun, "Based on Jackson\'s theory, the \'Future Leaders\' Program cultivates students\' leadership through intensive cross-cultural communications!" Yajun believes that the training in this diverse program is invaluable for him getting prepared to pursue his career goals in a new multiethnic environment in the future.

PKU Guanghua "Future Leaders" Program

The Guanghua School of Management founded the "Future Leaders" International Undergraduate Double-Degree Programin partnership with 15 of the world’s best business schools, givingstudents the opportunity to gain an understanding of their local markets while also immersing them in one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic economies in the world: China. This program focuses on admitting top students with outstanding leadership potential from Peking University and its partner institutions. After completing their first two years of study at the institution in their home country, students live and study together with classmates of diverse backgrounds from all over the world—including students from China—for two more years as a single cohort at Peking University.


(本文转载自北京大学光华管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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