Hult Prize(霍特奖)是一项全球商赛,是全球领先的大学高校创业创新平台,有“学生的诺贝尔奖”一称,激发学生们创造发挥善念和可盈利的创业项目。
Hult Prize is a global business competition and the world's leading entrepreneurial innovation platform for universities and colleges. It is known as the "Nobel Prize for Students" and inspires students to create profitable entrepreneurial projects with good intentions. In the past ten years, the Hult Prize has injected more than 50 million US dollars into the field of social innovation through this global movement, allowing more than 1 million young people to rethink the future of business. The Hult Prize is jointly promoted by the Global Forum and the Hult International Business School to encourage global college students to solve the world's most important social problems through the most innovative ideas. The winning student team will receive a funding of 1 million US dollars and receive guidance from the international business community.
今年,“霍特奖”SAIF校园赛再次起航,希望可以激发更多SAIF学子的创业热情,鼓励SAIF学子开拓国际视野,探索有益社会并可盈利的商业模式。2021年“霍特奖”的比赛主题为“Food for Good:Transforming food into a vehicle for change”,面向全球高校学生发出新召唤,希望可以激发新的商业模式在2030年为1千万人创造工作,拉动经济,重构供应链,提升收入。
This year, Hult Prize SAIF Campus Competition kicks off again, encouraging more SAIF students to be passionate and innovative, to expand the world-wide vision and to start up business for social goods. The theme of 2021 Hult Prize focuses on “Food for Good: Transforming food into a vehicle for change”, a new call to young innovators around the world to create new business model to create jobs, stimulate economies,reimagine supply chains and improve outcomes for 10,000,000 people by 2030.
会议ID: 896 5256 3483
If you want to learn more information about Hult Prize, please register to join the 2021 Hult Prize SAIF Campus Competition Info Session at 7pm on Oct 17.
Time: 7pm, Oct 17(UTC+8)
Classroom: SAIF203
You can join the Info Session online through Zoom:
ID: 896 5256 3483
“阅读原文”进行报名。Please click “Read more” to register.
去年,2020“霍特奖”上海高级金融学院校园赛成功举办,也是"霍特奖"校园赛首次走进SAIF,共有5队来自MBA和MF项目的SAIF学子参与比赛,感受到SAIF学子高涨的创业热情及心系社会的情怀。冠军队伍Zealous Tornado获得了“同安投资创新创业”奖学金,并在东京地区赛中取得了TOP6的好成绩。SAIF校园赛被霍特奖组委会评为中国和亚太区最佳校园赛事。
Last year,“2020 Hult Prize Campus Competition in SAIF” was successfully held in SAIF. It was the first time for Hult Prize Campus Competition held in SAIF and there were 5 teams from MBA and MF programs participated in the competition, showing the great passion of SAIF students in entrepreneurship and their concerns for the society. The winner team “Zealous Tornado” has been awarded TONGAN Scholarship and entered the TOP 6 in Tokyo Regional. SAIF on campus event was awarded as one the best events in China and Asia.
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庄文杰,MBA项目 19级FT
很高兴有机会回忆并分享一下我们去年参加Hult Prize比赛的经历,这是一段非常有趣又很有收获的旅程。
首先,我们在9月份参加了Hult Prize校园赛的宣讲,了解到这是全球规模最大的创业比赛,全球几千所高校都会参加,冠军的奖金是1百万美元,而且比赛的主题是“Bold Business For A Better Planet”,这是极具创新性又很有意义的一个创业主题,一下子激起了我的兴趣。
接着非常幸运地遇到了我们团队的几位小伙伴,老吕擅长融资、逻辑思维强,糖糖在公募基金工作并且对ESG投资很有见地,Troy来自南非且思维活跃,我之前主要负责销售市场工作并有过创业经历,组建复合背景的团队让我们的思维碰撞出了很多火花,这也是我对今年小伙伴们的建议。我们都很认同Hult Prize参赛主题的意义,并且也都很有兴趣探索商业的逻辑,所以对这个项目投入了巨大的热情。在比赛前的几周,我们查阅了大量的资料,去请教了之前参加Hult Prize的学长了解他们比赛的经验和日程安排,而且每周都会抽几天时间组织线下碰面的讨论,在这一次次的深入讨论中,我们不断地头脑风暴,又一次次不断推翻自己的想法,不仅让我们深刻的理解了好的商业模式就是发现并满足真正的需求,也让我们互相了解,结下了深厚的友谊,这也是我觉得参加Hult Prize最大的收获。
很幸运我们获得了校园赛的冠军,这是对我们这几个星期努力的最大褒奖,也很感谢学院和同安投资给我们支持了一笔2万元的奖金,让我们用于筹备Tokyo Regional的比赛,很感谢学院和LLC雪怡老师的支持,还非常感谢Alan老师付出了很多时间和心血辅导我们,帮助我们不断地理顺思路、打磨商业计划书,最终在多方的支持和帮助下,我们在Regional几十只参赛队伍中获得了Final Top 6的成绩,这也是本届比赛国内高校的最好成绩,但很遗憾的止步于此没能进入最终的全球决赛,也相信并衷心祝愿我们高金的小伙伴们今年能够取得更好的成绩。
如果你有绝妙的想法,有创业的兴趣,那来参加Hult Prize吧,在这里你会收获思维碰撞的火花,还有志同道合的伙伴,相信绝对不会后悔。
吕栋,MBA项目 19级PT
Hult Prize是一个平台,在这个平台上能看到不一样的自己和不一样的世界。一是收获团队的友谊。四个小伙伴,为了共同的目标,去想idea、去研究、去思辨、去呈现,不知不觉间,形成了一种团队凝聚力。二是增加了商业逻辑的敏感性。Hult Prize的赛题是相对开放的,整个团队要不断的找寻合适的创业方向并论证其可行性,在这个找寻和论证的过程中,形成商业思维的闭环。三是增强全球化视野,Hult Prize项目不仅仅局限于一个地区、一个国家,它是要能够在全球范围进行商业化推广的,特别是能够有益于贫困地区的发展。
Dumisani Gwakuba MF项目 17级
As a previous participant of the Hult Prize Competition, I am honored and grateful to have taken part in this competition. I believe Hult Prize helps students challenge the status quo and think outside the box on interesting topics. The experience leads me to discover more about cutting edge technology and research on current social-environmental issues and leverage my own groups strengthens to try solve some the current world problems. I become more informed and more aware of my (or lack of) social impact in the world. My greatest take-away is that: it is never too early to start making an impact in your environment or society.
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