Week10 上外讲座、活动预告
4月29日 (周一) 欧亚研究前沿论坛
【主讲】 石泽
【主办】俄罗斯东欧中亚学院, 国际关系与公共事务学院, 欧亚班
4月29日 (周一) 海外名家系列讲座
【主讲】 Richard M. Doyle
【时间】 10:05-11:35
【地点】 松江校区第5教学楼5124
【语言】 英语
【内容提要】William Seward Burroughs wrote some of the most brutal and hilarious texts of the 20th century, novels, stories, essays and paintings that sought to shatter what he perceived to be the monotonous "control" of the egoic mind through what he called a “blast of silence.” This talk will seek to explore Burroughs’ literary technique of the “blast of silence” as a direct operation of the artist on the conscious mind of a willing reader, whose “narrative mind” is usually consumed by the malware of the internal monologue - what Burroughs called the “word virus” that is hosted by the subject/ object mind. Through his collaboration with Brion Gysin and Ian Sommerville, Burroughs worked with sound and word as information, creating recombinant art through the operation of chance operations that momentarily empty the semantic register and allow pure sound to occur, as in mantra. As in the epigraph above, Burroughs conceived his own writing as a kind of anti-viral program for humans captured by the allure of control through continuous surveillance and biotechnology and technoscientific control. Through this alarm and blast of silence, Burroughs's texts can momentarily empty a reader or a listener’s mind of its incessant verbal content. Here Burroughs achieves a kind of “naked lunch” with the reader, the space of consciousness beyond word Burroughs called the Third Mind.
Richard M. Doyle宾夕法尼亚大学教授,加利福尼亚大学博士,研究兴趣主要是巴罗斯研究、修辞学、以及科幻文学,尤其擅长将信息技术、生命科学等科技领域与文学研究结合进行跨界研究。目前已经出版10余本专著:The Genesis of Now (Metanoia Press, 2019),
4月29日 (周一) 欧亚研究前沿论坛
【主讲】 石泽
【主办】俄罗斯东欧中亚学院, 国际关系与公共事务学院, 欧亚班
4月30日 (周二) 欧亚研究前沿论坛
【主讲】 郝宇青
【主办】国际关系与公共事务学院, 俄罗斯东欧中亚学院, 欧亚班
郝宇青 华东师范大学政治系教授。
4月30日 (周二) 海外名家系列讲座
【主讲】Richard M. Doyle
【地点】 松江校区第5教学楼5361会议室
【语言】 英语
【内容提要】William S. Burroughs worked with sound and word as discrete, digital units of information, creating recombinant effects on a reader’s consciousness through the operation of chance operations that momentarily empty the semantic register and allow pure sound to occur, as in mantra. In novels such as Naked Lunch and The Soft Machine, Burroughs sought, through a sequence of recombined information, to reprogram consciousness into a cacophonous, silent register beyond the verbal.Cutting texts into slices and rearranging them towards a reprogramming on the scale of consciousness anticipates the recombinant DNA technologies, if not the concepts, that would transform the evolutionary scale of life all the way up to today’s CRISPR. Assured by molecular biology that DNA is a kind of “word”, Burroughs seeks, like CRISPR, to rewrite it by cutting it up. As a “virus from outer space”, Burroughs’ imaginative meta-description of language is itself shaped by the discourse of both Francis Crick’s discourse of panspermia - where nucleic acids are ubiquitous galactic hitch hikers hosted by appropriate planetary petri dishes such as our own - and alien abduction, where abductee accounts have continual recourse to the language and practices of DNA manipulation - the informatic vision of nascent genomics. This talk will ponder the parallel fashion in which both discourse of the alien and of biotechnology itself can be seen through this digital lens to have been “abducted” by the idea of recombinant information, itself at play in Burroughs work. Modeling alien phenomena as themselves artificial life forms caught up in the sexual selective frameworks of human consciousness hosting them will be further explored.
Richard M. Doyle宾夕法尼亚大学教授,加利福尼亚大学博士,研究兴趣主要是巴罗斯研究、修辞学、以及科幻文学,尤其擅长将信息技术、生命科学等科技领域与文学研究结合进行跨界研究。目前已经出版10余本专著:The Genesis of Now (Metanoia Press, 2019),
(本文转载自上海外国语大学 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
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