(以下英文报道节选于上外英文网,作者 刘琦)
SPECIAL | SISU@Olympics - Li Lingshu: Umpire Curling on the World Stage
Li Lingshu is about to set out for Beijing to umpire the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Meanwhile, umpires all over the world are joining her in this international multi-sport event that is to take place in less than a month.
Li, 35, is currently an athletic training professor at Faculty for Physical Education of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). After working as a curling umpire for nearly 10 years, she has now a unique role to play—the Deputy Chief Timer at the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022. She and three other Chinese have been awarded positions as international technical officials at the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022; this is the first time that Chinese will work as curling umpires in the Winter Olympic Games.
“Curling is a sport without boundary.” Li said, “We are here because of love, and we all hope this sport would become better.”
Li was chosen to be a curling coach in 2011 when the government was trying to promote winter sports in southern cities in China. Taking the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics as an opportunity, Li believes that it would be a window for the outside to know more about China as well as a good chance for more and more Chinese people to watch and enjoy winter sports.
After passing the national umpire examination, Li got a chance to serve as anumpire in 2015 for the test event of the 13th Chinese National Winter Games in Urumqi, Xinjiang, where she met many experienced umpires and learned a lot from them. “They are so patient and warm-hearted,” She says. “To be a professional umpire like them has been a dream of mine since then.”
Curling, one of the oldest team sports, started in the 16th century in Scotland and was later introduced as an Olympic sport at the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics, according to the World Curling Federation. Each of the players in a team takes a turn sliding a 44-pound granite weight (the stone) down a sheet of ice toward a target area of four concentric circles. Good teamwork is the key in curling games.
“I feel supported by my teammates when I amplaying curling.” She says. “This sport brings people closer.”
In 2016, Li came across an American who gave up his career as a pilot because of his passion for curling at a curling club in Utah, America. “He once gave me several books on curling,” Li says, “I was surprised at first because we were not that familiar with each other. I even thought that he wanted to sell books to me”.
Those books, carried from Canada, were given to Li as a gift to help her be a better curling umpire. “He told me that all he wanted is winter sports like curling can have a better future in China.” Li smiles.
At the beginning, most Chinese “knew little” about curling while the sport wasmore popular among countries such as Canada. Beijing’s successful bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics accelerated the development of winter sports in China. The Winter Sports Development Plan (2016-25) issued in 2016 by the Chinese government is a long-term plan that aims to increase people\'s interest in winter sports and engage some 300 million people in ice and snow sports by the end of 2025.
“Curling is an elegant sport.” Says Zhang Xin’pei, who in her first year took a curling class taught by Li. “We all fell in love with this sport after taking Prof. Li’s class.”
Last year, Li opened an elective course named “Winter Sports” to promote those sports among the youth, with a plan to turn this class into a MOOC and open it to the public for free. “I hope more people know and like winter sports.” She says.
Cao Ya’ru, who took this class this semester, says it was a good way for students to know more about winter sports. “Prof. Li even taught us how to operate the professional timekeeper in class.” She says.
Several months ago, Li went to Beijing to take part in the Olympic test events. Li and her colleagues were working on a new timing system, making sure that there would be a fair timing mechanism for each athlete in the coming Winter Olympics. “Everything is in order,” Li says. “We are a real team”.
Concentration is essential to every umpire, especially when in a cold environment. According to the World Curling Federation, a full game of curling generally consists of 8 or 10 such ends and takes approximately two or three hours to complete. It is a challengeto stay focus for a long time.
Li is ready for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
“The passion for sports unites us,” Li says. “After the pandemic, I hope I canumpirein more international games, and that there will be more Chinese umpires on the world stage in the future.”
“收到去冬奥会做裁判的邮件时,我的心情特别激动,因为这意味着国际壶联对我们中国籍裁判的认可,在此之前从来没有中国籍的冰壶裁判能够参加冬奥会。”每每回忆起当时的情景,李凌姝老师都难掩自己的兴奋与激动。 从李凌姝的学生时代开始,就与体育结下了不解之缘。她认为,体育绝对不只是一门考试的科目,更应贯穿我们生活的始终。她建议同学们用一部分闲暇时间,去参加各式各样的体育锻炼与活动。“我的博士毕业论文有做过相关的研究,七加一应该大于八,这也就是说,同学们可以学习七个小时再加一个小时的锻炼,这远比八个小时单纯的学习效率要高。因为这一个小时的锻炼,不仅可以增强同学们的体质,还能放松大家过渡紧张的情绪,更好的投入到后面的学习、生活中,这对我们心理健康也是非常有效果的。”李凌姝有机会接触冰壶,还要得益于国家的“北冰南展”政策以及学校、部门领导的支持,当时学校需要建设冰壶校队,李凌姝则被挑选为校队的教练,之后便开设了冰壶这门课程。令她惊喜的是,这门课广受学生欢迎。她想也许是因为同学们很少有机会在南方接触冰上运动,而冰壶相对来说入门比较容易,也比较有趣味性。 当被问到最喜欢冰壶什么特点的时候,她不假思索地回答是它的团队协作精神,因为大家接触冰壶之后会发现,这项运动并不是依靠蛮力,而是需要策略的。冰壶也被称为冰上象棋,她认为冰壶是一项十分绅士的运动,这让她更加热爱冰壶。对于推广冰壶运动,李凌姝也有她自己的想法。因为场地的限制,既然从技术上很难进一步推广,她就想用另外两种方式进行推广。第一种就是开设冰雪运动的全校选修课,她希望通过这个理论课,可以让大家更了解这个冰雪运动,也从中去了解冰壶。第二种就是努力将她的冰雪运动课程推广到中国慕课平台甚至国际的慕课平台,让更多的人去了解这个项目。(点击查看:上外《冰雪运动(双语)》慕课已上线!)2021年10月,李凌姝造访北京,参加冬奥会前的测试赛以及世界轮椅冰壶冠军赛。此次的北京之行,李凌姝说这次测试赛的职位与冬奥会的职位是一样的——副计时长,计时长是一位德国裁判。对于李凌姝来说的确是一个挑战,不仅是第一次掌管新的欧米伽计时系统,并且还要以饱满的热情给中国计时员进行一天三场培训。“我自己随身带了笔记本,把每一个需要提醒计时员的点,以及如何检查他们工作,包括整个赛场的情况,我都在笔记本上一一记录下来,随身携带,这让我有了进入正式冬奥会去执裁的信心。期待努力、用心做好发挥出自己最佳的水平。” 以裁判的身份站上冬奥会的赛场,这对李凌姝老师来说绝不是终点,而是一次全新的开始。“接下去,我要花更多的时间给冰壶,一定要做到零失误,让世界看到中国冰壶裁判的执裁水平。” (以下匈牙利语报道节选于“上外匈牙利语”微信号,作者 何雨辰,周逸)三尺讲台到北京冬奥:李凌姝老师专访
A tanteremtől a pekingi téli olimpiai játékokig: Li Lingshu egyetemi docens interjúja
Li Lingshu egyetemi docens a Sanghaji Nemzetközi Tanulmányok Egyetem Testnevelési Karán, és híres az egész egyetemen az általa vezetett népszerű curling órák miatt, Most a kedves és elismert tanárnőnek új szerepe van: a 2022. évi pekingi téli olimpiai játékokon a curling bírók vezetője-helyettese lett.
Van valamilyen jó tanácsa a fiataloknak, különösen a mi iskoláinkban tanuló diákoknak, hogy vegyenek részt a téli sportokban?
Szerintem mindegy, hogy az ember mit szeret, azt bátran ki kell próbálnia. Nem szabad elfelejtened, hogy most vagy fiatal. Most nem félsz elesni, ezért vegyél részt mindenben, amiben csak lehet.
A téli sportok órán megkérem a diákokat, hogy írjanak javaslatokat és elvárásokat az órámhoz. Így tudom, hogy mit akarnak tanulni. Elolvastam az összes diák írását. Közülük sokan azt mondják nekem, hogy szeretik a műkorcsolyázást, különösen a műkorcsolyázó Yuzuru Hanyu programjait. Amikor az osztályban különböző videókat mutatok Yuzuru Hanyuról, mindenki le van nyűgözve. Ezután azt a végső feladatot adom a diákoknak, hogy csoportosan készítsenek egy videót egy sportolóról, aki érdekli őket. Sokuktól már meg is kaptam, az összes videó nagyon szép.
A diákok nagyon lelkesek a téli sportok iránt. Sok visszajelzést kapok a diákoktól, akik azt mondják, hogy rövid idő alatt nagyon sokat tanultak, és ennek nagyon örülök. Néhány kevéssé ismert jeges és havas sportot, például a szánkózást is megtanítom nekik. Úgy érzik, hogy ha nincs ilyen óra, akkor egyáltalán nem is ismerkedtek meg ezekkel a sportágakkal. Ezért úgy gondolom, hogy fontos, hogy gyakrabban menjünk igazi jégpályára vagy havas pályára gyakorolni, ha a diákok szeretik.
来源|上海外国语大学英文网 新传递 上外匈牙利语等
编辑|周旭阳 钱俊妮
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