管理经济学Ben Kahn教授致MBA教育中心和学生的一封信

2012-03-28 00:00 浏览量: 1967

Greeting to you.

I am very pleased to be writing to you today and hope this letter finds you in good health and good spirit. Please accept my deepest gratitude for your warm hospitality during my past and our student’s visits in to SIFT and Shanghai. Our students have had the most rewarding and fulfilling experience in China, and at the SIFT. I am very grateful to V.P. madam Xu, Nancy Nie, Liqun Zhang, Laura Yang, Spring Jin and the Administration, Director and staff at SIFT.

Our students have developed the highest appreciation and in depth understanding of the Chinese Institution, and the accomplishments of Chinese civilization, history and culture. The China experience for them has been a life-altering event.

I am also pleased to inform you. I am very pleased our MBA students have demonstrated exemplary and outstanding performance in MBA M02004 Managerial Economics course.

It has been truly an honor to have had the opportunity to make a small contribution to our MBA students as our next generation of future leadership.

My warmest regards to you, Dean, and all my colleagues in the Institute.

My best wish for the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade’s continuing growth and success.

Sincerely yours,

Ben Abraham Kahn


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