中山大学科研论文 | 周延风教授发表一A重要核心期刊论文(一)
教师姓名:周延风 教授
论文题目:A values–beliefs–attitude model of local food consumption: An empiricalstudy in China and Denmark
刊物名称:Food Quality and Preference
所有作者:ZhangTing, Klaus G. Grunert,Yanfeng Zhou(通讯)
Consumers’ and policy makers’ interest in local foods is growing. Accordingly, researchers are also increasingly paying attention to the consumption of local foods. Studies have identified preference for local foods as an emergent consumer ideology called “locavorism”, but they have not yet addressed its antecedents or put it into a theoretical context. In addition, extant research provides several insights into local food buying behaviour in developed economies (e.g., USA, UK, Germany, or Italy); however, studies simultaneously conducted in developed and emerging economies are lacking. To address these research gaps, this study develops a conceptual framework with proposed relationships among values, beliefs (locavorism and fresh start mindset), and attitudes towards and intentions to purchase local foods in China and Denmark. We conducted an online survey in China and Denmark that evaluated our constructs with pre-developed multiple-item measures. Using structural equation modelling to test the integrated model, we find that values and long-term orientation are antecedents of consumer beliefs but the influences of values on consumer beliefs differ between collectivistic-dominated China and individualistic-dominated Denmark. Specifically, collectivistic values are significantly and positively related to locavorism in both countries, while individualistic values are strongly linked to locavorism only in Denmark; collectivistic values have no effects on fresh start mindset for the two samples, but individualistic values are significantly and positively related to a fresh start mindset in Denmark. In addition, consumer beliefs are significantly and positively associated with attitudes towards and intentions to buy local foods. Local food marketers can use our findings to target their communications more effectively.
近五年来,积极开展国际交流和合作研究,学术研究逐步国际化。在International Marketing Review、Journal of Marketing Management、Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics、Journal of Global Marketing、Marketing Intelligence & Planning、Journal of Cleaner Production、Food Quality and Preference、Appetite等国际重要学术杂志上发表论文多篇。自2010以来,分别在哥本哈根、苏黎世、旧金山、伦敦和雅典等地举办的欧洲营销学会年会、欧洲农业经济学会年会、美国营销学会年会等国际学术会议上发表论文。
(本文转载自中山大学管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
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