Event | CKGSB MBA Roundtable Shanghai

Come and visit us at our Shanghai Roundtable session 12 April Friday evening. One belt one road full scholarship is waiting for you....
“Changing Careers,Changing Lives”
How CKGSB MBA helps international students to learn from world-class faculty to leverage unrivaled business alumni network and to advance their careers in China and in great China region?
Come and visit us at our Shanghai Roundtable session 12 April Friday evening. One belt one road full scholarship is waiting for you.
Learn about
CKGSB MBA vs. other top MBAs
The impact CKGSB MBA program has had on the careers of alumni
How to prepare a successful application
How to apply for the scholarships
Event Details
Date: 2019.04.12, Friday
Time: 19:30 – 21:30
Location: De He Tea House, 2F, Luwan Gymnasium, No. 135, West Jianguo Road, Luwan District, Puxi, Shanghai
Please scan and register before attending
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) is China’s first independent, faculty-governed and non-profit business school. Founded in 2002 with support from the Li Ka Shing Foundation, CKGSB’s mission is to cultivate business leaders with a global vision, a humanistic spirit, a strong sense of social responsibility and an innovative mind-set. CKGSB has a campus in Beijing, teaching sites in Shanghai and Shenzhen, and representative offices in Hong Kong, London and New York. The school offers innovative MBA, Finance MBA, Executive MBA, Business Scholars Program (DBA) and Executive Education programs.
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This accelerated English-language 14-month MBA program helps young professionals transform into global business leaders with a strong understanding of China and other emerging economies. Participants will tap into unique mentoring opportunities that will connect them to the Who’s Who of business in China as they learn from some of the best academics in one of the most dynamic markets in the world.
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