
2023-02-16 17:00 浏览量: 3623

2023中日韩区域合作与发展论坛暨第二十届东北亚经济与管理合作论坛征稿启事(第一轮)“2023中日韩区域合作与发展论坛”将围绕“中国式现代化、经济复苏与中日韩全面合作”进行研讨,论坛拟定于2023年5月26-28日在北京召开(具体地点以正式会议通知为准),本届论坛由北京外国语大学主办,北京外国语大学国际商学院承办,北京外国语大学亚洲学院、教育部国别和区域研究基地北京外国语大学日本研究中心、北京外国语大学二十国集团研究中心、中国管理科学学会产业金融管理专业委员会、中国留韩经营年会理事会、欧美同学会(中国留学人员联谊会)留日分会协办,丝绸之路商学院联盟、“新商科”建设与国际化发展联盟为支持机构,中日韩三国合作秘书处为学术支持单位,SAGE OPEN(SSCI检索)/《国际论坛》(CSSCI)/《区域与全球发展》为合作期刊。现向海内外学者公开征文。










3.论文格式:格式要求请参照SAGE OPEN(SSCI),《国际论坛》(CSSCI),《区域与全球发展》的稿件体例。为便于匿名审稿和联系,作者信息(姓名、工作单位、通讯地址、联系电话、电子邮箱等)请在正文前单独附页。


Call For Papers(First-round)

2023 International Forum on Regional Cooperationof China, Japan and South Korea & The 20thNortheast Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference

The International Forum on Regional Cooperation of China, Japan and South Korea was founded in 2002, with ‘Northeast Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference’ as its predecessor. The forum aims to promote in-depth research on the stability and cooperation in Northeast Asia by hosting academic seminars and discussions that cover the disciplines of politics, economics, history and cultural studies, with the purpose of exploring further economic development and cultural integration among China, Japan and South Korea.

The forum offers outstanding opportunities for business leaders and academics to share their insights in promoting economic co-operations in Northeast Asia and provides a platform of research collaboration for academics of the Northeast Asian research community.

The theme for 2023 International Forum on Regional Cooperation of China, Japan and South Korea will be "Chinese-style modernization, economic recovery and comprehensive cooperation among China, Japan and South Korea". The forum is scheduled to be held in Beijing on May 26-28, 2023 (the specific venue is subject to the official notice).

The forum will be hosted by Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) and organized by the International Business School of BFSU. The co-organizers include the School of Asian Studies, BFSU, Japanese Studies Center, BFSU, G20 Center, BFSU, Industrial Finance Committee of China Management Science Society, Executive Committee of Economics and Management Annual Conference for Chinese Scholars in ROK, and Western Returned Scholars Association (Japan Division). Supporting organizations include the Alliance of Silk Road Business Schools, Alliance of ‘New Business Education’, Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat, SAGE OPEN (SSCI), International Forum (CSSCI), and Area Studies and Global Development. Now we invite scholars at home and abroad to submit papers to the forum.

The topics of the forum include the following:

•Strengthening trilateral cooperation as impetus for RCEP mechanism

•Building a Northeast Asia regional cooperation system featuring China, Japan and South Korea

•Cooperation between ASEAN, China, Japan and South Korea and prospects for East Asian economic integration

•Deepening trilateral cooperation and enhancing the role of primary engine for global economic growth

•Promoting political and diplomatic communication and constructing the cultural community of China, Japan and South Korea

In addition to the above, scholars are also encouraged to focus on other related topics.

Submission requirements:

1. The submitted paper must be original, unpublished work, in Chinese

or English. The work of others shall be cited and quoted accurately.

2. Submission deadline: May 7, 2023 (Full paper submission)

3.Paper format: Please refer to SAGE Open (SSCI), International Forum (CSSCI) or, Regional and Global Development for format requirements. For the convenience of anonymous review process, the author\'s information (name, affiliation, address, telephone number and email) should be presented on a separate page before the main text.

4. The conference will select excellent papers and provide excellent-paper certificates.


(本文转载自北京外国语大学国际商学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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